Studio Policies
Contact Us Anytime
We believe that an open line of communication between the dance teacher and the parents is essential to a successful dance experience. Our teachers will email the class periodically to update the parents on the progress of the class and any other pertinent class information. The studio will also email everyone regularly with all studio news, recital information, new class information, special events, and contests/special offers. So, please check your email regularly! If you are not receiving newsletters and updates from us, please let us know so we can communicate to you well! We encourage you to contact us or your child’s teacher with any questions that arise throughout the year.
Studio Policies
- If we are forced to close due to inclement weather, we will try to make-up classes. Please understand that we cannot be responsible for acts of Mother Nature. Snow dates do not affect your monthly tuition. School closings will be announced on our studio social media pages.
- There is no discount or refund for missed classes. Make-up classes are available within two months of the class missed.
- Family discounts are for immediate family only.
- All studio accounts have one primary account holder. This is the account holder that registers and signs the registration form. This account holder will be the one considered financially responsible for the account.
- We are not responsible for injuries sustained in class, on premises, or at any related event.
- The Studio is not responsible for lost or misplaced articles. Please put names on all belongings and check the lost and found table if you are missing items. Items will be thrown away at he end of each month.
- With the exception of class parties, food and drink are prohibited in all classrooms at all times.
- Students should wait until the teacher is present before entering the dance room, unless directed otherwise. All students should exit the classroom at the end of class. Younger students whose parents have not yet arrived for pickup should wait with one of our teacher assistants. Students are not permitted to use the classrooms when a teacher is not present unless arrangements are made through the studio office.
- Any student with an overdue balance of more than 60 days will not be allowed into class until payment in full is received or payment arrangements have been made.
- Costume orders can only be picked up once the account is paid in full with no balance
Keep Informed Through E-Mail
A majority of the information we send you will be sent through our email mailing list. Email helps us efficiently keep everyone up to date on news and events at Dance Dynamics. We chose email to cut back on paper and envelope usage and to help the planet! Please make sure we have your correct email address on file. If you change or get a new email address please share this information with our staff so we have your updated contact information.Email if you are not receiving studio email updates and newsletters.
Online Account Portal.
Dance Dynamics is proud to offer an online solution for parents and account holders to access all of their account information online. This service allows users to process payments for charges, enter and modify contact information, and register for select classes from the comfort of their home – 24 hours a day.
If you’ve already logged in to our customer portal, just visit our website, click the “Current Students” tab and the “Account Portal Log In” link and log in with your email address and password. If you don’t remember your password, you can have your password emailed to you by clicking “Forgot Password?”. For your security, our office is not able to look up your password.
If this is your first time logging in, go to our website,, and click the “Current Students” tab and the “Account Portal Log In” link. At the bottom, click “create or activate your account” and then click “I am a current or returning account or student, but this is my first time logging in”. Enter the email address you provided when registering and our system will email you a temporary password. You can then login with your email address and the temporary password. The system will then prompt you to create a new, custom, password.
Tuition and Payments
Registration Fee – $40 (non-refundable)
The studio calendar and tuition rate is designed to give 34 classes over a nine-month period from September to May.
All Lessons are paid for in advance, due the 1st of each month. You will not receive a bill prior to the due date of tuition. Late notices will be emailed to all past due accounts. There will be a $25 added charge for any account not paid in full by the 10th. This charge will continue to be added each month it remains late.
There will be no refunds or deductions for lessons missed.
We accept Cash, Check, Money Order, Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover. There will be a $25 returned check charge for all checks returned from the bank.
TWO Payment Plans:
Annually – One payment with a 5% discount. Non-refundable after November 1. Dropped classes before November 1, forfeit discount & will be charged at full price. Annual payment is due the first week of September. If unpaid by September 30, account will be reverted to Automatic Monthly Payments w/no discount applied.
Automatic Monthly Payment Processing – Each month, the card on file will be automatically charged your tuition amount every 1st of the month.
Class Parties & Food Allergies
Please let the office staff and your child’s teacher know of any food allergies your child may have so it can be added as a note on your account. If you are planning to bring anything for the class to enjoy (birthdays, etc.) please call the studio or email us ahead of time. We ask that if you bring in
food for the class that you also bring along the ingredients list. When bringing in something please keep it simple. During Party Weeks, the studio will provide juice/water, pretzels, chips, cookies, etc. If your child has any food allergies please leave us a list of acceptable alternatives. For the dancers who cannot consume the above, we will be happy to accommodate you with snacks that do not cause any allergic reactions, or you may bring in your own snack if you like. If you have any questions regarding this matter please email
Throughout the year, you’ll find many exciting events happening at Dance Dynamics! From not so spooky Halloween parties to Pajama Week relay races to inStudio performances, we bring new fun activities for the dancers all year. We also perform annually in the Chery Blossom Festival. Our biggest event is our endof the year Recital!
Join DDC Competition Team
The Dance Dynamics Dance Company is a performance-based team for dancers who wish for additional performance opportunities throughout the year, to further build their technique, and to grow as dancers. The team competes 3-4 times per year and travels to various cities around Georgia. This company offers professional training in all genres of dance and exposes young aspiring dancers to opportunities that will enhance their dance knowledge, dance vocabulary, technical ability, and stage presence.
Annual Recital Production
Our Annual Dance Production is part of the student’s dance education and gives the dancers the opportunity to dance at The Grand Opera House. We hope to be able to have our recital in the theatre this year. If we are not able to perform in the theatre at that time, we will still have our dancers perform for a virtual dance recital as we did this past year. We recorded the dancers in the studio and posted the video to our Facebook page. Our recital is usually held at the beginning of June and each student will be required to attend classes regularly, attend rehearsals associated with the recital, and pay for any costume(s) needed for their number(s).
Our Annual Recital Production is scheduled to be held at The Grand Opera House. We chose this venue because of it’s state-of-the-art facilities, staff, seating capacity, and it’s Middle Georgia’s most elegant theatre.
Dance Dynamics is proud to offer pop up classes throughout the season!
These classes are a great supplement to dancers’ weekly education in class, by learning additional choreography, trying different styles, and enhancing their movement vocabulary. Keep a lookout for future Pop-Up classes!